DocumentFragment throws NullReferenceException for some values

I receive a NullReferenceException at times when utilizing the LookupIn method to retrieve values. The problem seems to be related to the type of value being retrieved (int and bool throw exceptions), but I haven’t found a commonality between which types succeed and fail (Nullable throws exception, but Nullable doesn’t).

The exception is thrown in this method of the API when spec.Bytes is null…

    public TContent Content<TContent>(string path)
        var spec = Value.Single(x => x.Path.Equals(path));
        return _sourceTypeSerializerProvider.Serializer.Deserialize<TContent>(spec.Bytes, 0, spec.Bytes.Length);

Here is some sample code that generates the exception. Is this an issue with the driver, or am I using the API incorrectly?

using Couchbase;
using Couchbase.Configuration.Client;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ClientConfiguration config = new ClientConfiguration();
            config.Servers = new List<Uri>()
                new Uri("http://localhost:8091")
            var bucket = ClusterHelper.GetBucket("default");

            var key = "LookupInTest";
            bucket.Upsert(key, new TestClass() { StringProperty = "Test String", TestProperty = 1, NullableIntProperty = 2, BoolProperty = true, NullableBoolProperty = false, TestStruct = new TestStruct() { Value = 5 } });

                var builder = bucket.LookupIn<TestClass>(key)
                    .Get(x => x.StringProperty)
                var val = builder.Content<string>("`stringProperty`"); // Succeeds
            catch { }

                var builder = bucket.LookupIn<TestClass>(key)
                    .Get(x => x.TestProperty)
                var val = builder.Content<int>("`testProperty`"); // Fails
            catch { }

                var builder = bucket.LookupIn<TestClass>(key)
                    .Get(x => x.NullableIntProperty)
                var val = builder.Content<int?>("`nullableIntProperty`"); // Fails
            catch { }

                var builder = bucket.LookupIn<TestClass>(key)
                    .Get(x => x.BoolProperty)
                var val = builder.Content<bool>("`boolProperty`"); // Fails
            catch { }

                var builder = bucket.LookupIn<TestClass>(key)
                    .Get(x => x.NullableBoolProperty)
                var val = builder.Content<bool?>("`nullableBoolProperty`"); // Succeeds
            catch { }

                var builder = bucket.LookupIn<TestClass>(key)
                    .Get(x => x.TestStruct)
                var val = builder.Content<TestStruct>("`testStruct`"); // Succeeds
            catch { }

    public class TestClass
        public string StringProperty { get; set; }
        public int TestProperty { get; set; }
        public int? NullableIntProperty { get; set; }
        public bool BoolProperty { get; set; }
        public bool? NullableBoolProperty { get; set; }
        public TestStruct TestStruct { get; set; }

    public struct TestStruct
        public int Value { get; set; }

@drumboog -

I believe it’s a bug that will be fixed in 2.3.8: Loading...

2.3.8 will be released next week barring any issues with QE. Feel free to pull from github and verify that this fixes your issue.

