I have used the java sdk for inserting documents into CBS. The documents are able to go through the sync gateway and i was able to view them in the sync gateway admin ui with the channels they are assigned but they are not synced to the CBL databases . I am using CBS 5.0 and sync gateway 1.5 versions.
What about the CBL version ?
Are you in continuous sync mode ?
What’s your tech in the mobile device ? How do you start the replication ?
This may help to be able to help you.
CBL java version is 1.4.1
yes it is in continuous sync mode.
I have use the following code
url = new URL("syncGatewayURL");
Replication pull = database.createPullReplication(url);
Authenticator auth = new BasicAuthenticator("USERNAME", "PASSWORD");
The docs that i entered in CBS was able to seen in syncGateway admin page and when i hit the save doc in the syncgateway then it was able to replicate in clients.
- What is your sync gateway config file look like ? Do you have the relevant config flags
set ? Refer to this post or blog for the same. - If the flags are set correctly, please share details of the sync gateway logs. If the docs are being imported by the SGW correctly,you should see messages indicating the same
Thanks for the reply.
I have figured it out and its working.
Can you elaborate on what exactly was the issue (would come in handy for others encountering this as well)
I was trying to push the data into the couchbase server using java sdk and hoping for the replication of this document to the clients(couchbase lite) through sync gateway. I have used the bucket shadowing earlier but after moving to the couchbase server 5.0 with sync gateway 1.5 i have enabled the shared bucket access = true. It worked seamlessly without the use of the bucket shadowing.
Cool. Glad that worked. Thanks for the update.