I have an issue while inserting BinaryDocuments.
Issue is insert statement seems to be executing without any errors, however I am not able see the records inserted to couchbase.
Here is the code :
String variableKey = "cn_cnt_cc_filter_trandatedur_120|618233701|D/237U/tmf78qptYZhu0jins1HALvj2WtKk7adZj5fNz1ocw6cAt0Aw4YMLE27DKhx7oCaJlBCPCC25ismr5tg==";
int expiry = 31449600;
long documentCas = 1L;
String[] variableInstanceValueFields = {"mtcn", "5001489707881854", "event",
"SampleDecisionRequest", "timestamp", currentTimestamp.minusDays(40).toString(format),
"subject", "TestSubject", "subjectvalue", "TestValue"};
VariableInstanceValue variableInstanceValue =
new VariableInstanceValue(variableInstanceValueFields);
//here I am Serializing and converting variableInstanceValue to byte[]
BinaryDocument binDoc = BinaryDocument.create(variableKey, expiry,
Unpooled.copiedBuffer(variableInstanceValue), documentCas);
returnBinDoc = dataSource.instanceBucket.insert(binDoc);
if (null != returnBinDoc) {
log.monitor("Variable instance {" + variableInstance.getName() + "} " + operation
+ " success for mtcn {" + variableInstance.getValue().getFields().get("mtcn")
+ "} and event {" + variableInstance.getValue().getFields().get("event") + "} took "
+ (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms for size "
+ (variableInstanceValue.length) + " bytes ");
I am seeing returnBinDoc is not null and even not throwing any exception.
The log is getting printed successfully as below:
Variable instance {cn_cnt_cc_filter_trandatedur_120|618233701|D/237U/tmf78qptYZhu0jins1HALvj2WtKk7adZj5fNz1ocw6cAt0Aw4YMLE27DKhx7oCaJlBCPCC25ismr5tg==} inserted success for mtcn {5001489707881854} and event {SampleDecisionRequest} took 221ms for size 132 bytes
Below is the N1QL query and result :
select META(b).id,META(b).Content ,* from VariableData b WHERE Meta(b).id = 'cn_cnt_cc_filter_trandatedur_120|618233701D/237U/tmf78qptYZhu0jins1HALvj2WtKk7adZj5fNz1ocw6cAt0Aw4YMLE27DKhx7oCaJlBCPCC25ismr5tg=='
"clientContextID": "b9fa9a46-ebff-451d-bf0e-5736021f1801",
"signature": {
"*": "*",
"Content": "json",
"id": "json"
"results": [
"status": "success",
When trying using Get methods, I am getting null :
BinaryDocument oldBinDoc = dataSource.instanceBucket.get(variableKey, BinaryDocument.class);
Could anyone explain why is it happening like this?