Does Couchbase 5.0’s new auth features write behind persist to separate files or still share files per bucket like 4.x?
I need to persist files separately within the same bucket. For example, all documents with department ‘accounting’ are stored on file separately from documents with department ‘hr’.
Thanks in advance!
Hi @cdebergh,
Are you asking if the new users stored in Couchbase 5.0 are stored as documents in the bucket? No, they are not.
It sounds like the kind of feature you are looking for is logical separation in the bucket (let’s call them ‘collections’).
These are not supported by Couchbase Server yet, but they are definitely in the future plans. I would keep your eye on this issue:
Just to understand the use case @cdebergh, what is your goal with separating it into different files? Is it a resource allocation concern, or access control, or something else? @don and @anil and I would love to know more about the use case.
Hi Matt, thanks for the response!
I wasn’t so much referring to users. Rather just being able to separate the persisted file (on disk) by user, document field, ID, etc, rather than one per bucket. Thinking maybe the new feature separated these files on disk?
This would allow us to have separate persisted files (on disk not in memory) of the documents we put into couchbase. This way we can separate concerns while sharing resources instead of limited to 5 buckets per cluster. The only way I know to accomplish this today is a separate bucket, but we can only have 5 in production when the data size is very small even for a 3 node cluster. This functionally can be accomplished by filtering documents by field and restricting with this new feature, but it’s technically still a shared file when persisted to disk. It has been a challenge to convince security and clients to allow sharing files on disk.
For example, mongodb persists a separate file for each db created and it’s essentially unlimited (provided the hardware can support). However, couchbase is limited to 5 per cluster regardless of size. So it does not fit our use case.
Thanks again for the response,