Hi, are there any libraries like Ektorp (https://github.com/helun/Ektorp) that works with couchbase server? Specifically I’m looking to avoid doing the json -> pojo -> json conversions myself using jackson.
Ektorp provides a generic repository that enables crud++ operations for domain objects. That’d been sweet.
Thanks for the reply and the links! Think I’ll try experimenting a bit more with the Spring Data approach.
Since I’m a bit new with couchbase I need to let it mature a bit, but basically my instincts tells me that a full-blown “OGM” might be overkill here, yet having to implementt all those toJson/fromJson mechanics and wiring seems a bit too “frameworky”. If I discover anything clever I’ll let you know.
Adding Jackson to the couchbase java sdk would be a great feature.
This optional feature would implicitly add “data type validation”.
I would use it for updating and inserting sensible documents.
The latest jackson versions have also annotations for mismatch problems (example: attribute was added to document but not implemented yet in the pojo).