I am using couchbase-server-community-5.1.1 server on centos6. I am having 10 ephemeral buckets, with 200MB bucket size for each. I have 3 node cluster with 1 replication factor. Cluster quota is 3000MB per node. I have one custom document type stored in all these buckets.
All these buckets are accessed by a group of services (SOA) with document access (key lookup).
I have around 15k-20k ops/sec hits on the cluster on peak load.
Looking to optimize the number of buckets as suggested in blogs
What would be the suggestion/recommendation for “count” of Ephemeral bucket with above specs. Should it be brought down to 5 or less? Since blog talk about Disk I/O which is not present in ephemeral buckets, should the count be brought down at all?
Any suggestions/recommendations will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance !!