Using the cbq utility to perform N1QL selects, I am getting weird errors from the server, and the last line of the response, in these cases is:
ERROR 174 : Unspecified error.
Any idea what this is?
Post the complete statement with error.
Also try with REST API and check. It might be coming from cbq shell. There might be control or unexpected input.
Ah yes, good idea, I’ll use the REST API, it’ll provide more details. Thanks!
Hi @Hawkeye
Could you post your input query ? I can take a look to see why you see the unspecified error.
This is the query I ran from cbq command line and got Unspecified error.
opt/couchbase/bin/cbq -u username -p password -s ‘SELECT id FROM bucket WHERE doc_type = “PREF” AND id >= “530000000” and id < " 540000000" EXCEPT SELECT id FROM bucket WHERE doc_type = “PR” AND id >= “530000000” and id < " 540000000"’ -o results_output.json
ERROR 174 : Unspecified error.
Can you check if you are using single quotes ? It seems to work for me.