Below is the code which i used to open a database, but it ends up with error says Error no: 5002 , says No Resource found.
if i change few other things, it ends up with the error, Authentication was incorrect, Error code no : 10401 or 10402.Not able to open the database itself, it looks so silly for me that why it was not working.
In place of localhost, i was pasting my local ip.i have created credentials in Admin portal too.
Kindly help me out on the same.
// Get the database (and create it if it doesn’t exist).
NSError *error;
CBLDatabase *database = [[CBLDatabase alloc] initWithName:@“mydb” error:&error];
// Create a new document (i.e. a record) in the database.
CBLMutableDocument *mutableDoc = [[CBLMutableDocument alloc] init];
[mutableDoc setFloat:2.0 forKey:@“version”];
[mutableDoc setString:@“SDK” forKey:@“type”];
// Save it to the database.
[database saveDocument:mutableDoc error:&error];
// Update a document.
CBLMutableDocument *mutableDoc2 = [[database] toMutable];
[mutableDoc2 setString:@“Swift” forKey:@“language”];
[database saveDocument:mutableDoc2 error:&error];
CBLDocument *document = [database];
// Log the document ID (generated by the database)
// and properties
NSLog(@“Document ID :: %@”,;
NSLog(@“Learning %@”, [document stringForKey:@“language”]);
// Create a query to fetch documents of type SDK.
CBLQueryExpression *type = [[CBLQueryExpression property:@“type”] equalTo:[CBLQueryExpression string:@“SDK”]];
CBLQuery *query = [CBLQueryBuilder select:@[[CBLQuerySelectResult all]]
from:[CBLQueryDataSource database:database]
// Run the query
CBLQueryResultSet *result = [query execute:&error];
NSLog(@“Number of rows :: %lu”, (unsigned long)[[result allResults] count]);
// Create replicators to push and pull changes to and from the cloud.
NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@“ws://localhost:4984/example_sg_db”];
CBLURLEndpoint *targetEndpoint = [[CBLURLEndpoint alloc] initWithURL:url];
CBLReplicatorConfiguration *replConfig = [[CBLReplicatorConfiguration alloc] initWithDatabase:database target:targetEndpoint];
replConfig.replicatorType = kCBLReplicatorTypePushAndPull;
// Add authentication.
replConfig.authenticator = [[CBLBasicAuthenticator alloc] initWithUsername:@“john” password:@“pass”];
// Create replicator.
CBLReplicator *replicator = [[CBLReplicator alloc] initWithConfig:replConfig];
// Listen to replicator change events.
[replicator addChangeListener:^(CBLReplicatorChange *change) {
if (change.status.error) {
NSLog(@“Error code: %ld”, change.status.error.code);
// Start replication
[replicator start];