Error on connecting to one node cluster

i follow this doc to install a cluster(3 containers) on 1 node. After this, i try to connect this cluster through the SDK, the code is below

. But i keep receive this err: WaitUntilReady err: unambiguous timeout | {"InnerError":{"InnerError":{"InnerError":{},"Message":"unambiguous timeout"}},"OperationID":"WaitUntilReady","Opaque":"","TimeObserved":20000071663,"RetryReasons":["NOT_READY","CONNECTION_ERROR"],"RetryAttempts":48,"LastDispatchedTo":"","LastDispatchedFrom":"","LastConnectionID":""}.
After i use gocb.SetLogger(gocb.DefaultStdioLogger()), more details are like this diagnosticscomponent.go:506: Bootstrap error found before config seen: <nil> diagnosticscomponent.go:521: No config seen yet in kv muxer but no errors found.
Someone could help?

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The log error is like this, i can not upload two pictures in one post

The host is env is OSX, but it also happens on CentOS

Hi @user3 are you able to upload a full debug log (as a text file rather than images would be better)? For whatever reason the SDK is unable to connect to fetch a cluster config but I’m not sure why there’s 7s there with no connection attempts.

Thank you for replying.
Here is the log(cound not upload txt file


@chvck hi, one more supplyment: the code can work if the couchbase is installed directly on the OSX

@chvck i just find the picture is not clear. maybe i post the log directly, but the format is not good.
GOCB 17:55:52.602215 agentgroup.go:26: SDK Version: gocbcore/v10.0.1
GOCB 17:55:52.602624 agentgroup.go:27: Creating new agent group: &{AgentConfig:{BucketName: UserAgent:gocb/v2.3.0 SeedConfig:{HTTPAddrs:[] MemdAddrs:[]} SecurityConfig:{UseTLS:false TLSRootCAProvider:0x1278280 Auth:0xc000099920 AuthMechanisms:} CompressionConfig:{Enabled:false DisableDecompression:false MinSize:0 MinRatio:0} ConfigPollerConfig:{HTTPRedialPeriod:0s HTTPRetryDelay:0s HTTPMaxWait:0s CccpMaxWait:0s CccpPollPeriod:0s} IoConfig:{NetworkType: UseMutationTokens:true UseDurations:true UseOutOfOrderResponses:true DisableXErrorHello:false DisableJSONHello:false DisableSyncReplicationHello:false EnablePITRHello:false UseCollections:true} KVConfig:{ConnectTimeout:10s PoolSize:0 MaxQueueSize:0} HTTPConfig:{MaxIdleConns:0 MaxIdleConnsPerHost:0 IdleConnectionTimeout:0s} DefaultRetryStrategy:0xc0000997e0 CircuitBreakerConfig:{Enabled:true VolumeThreshold:0 ErrorThresholdPercentage:0 SleepWindow:0s RollingWindow:0s CompletionCallback: CanaryTimeout:0s} OrphanReporterConfig:{Enabled:true ReportInterval:0s SampleSize:0} TracerConfig:{Tracer:0xc000099800 NoRootTraceSpans:true} MeterConfig:{Meter:}}}
GOCB 17:55:52.602813 agent.go:76: SDK Version: gocbcore/v10.0.1
GOCB 17:55:52.602872 agent.go:77: Creating new agent: &{BucketName: UserAgent:gocb/v2.3.0 SeedConfig:{HTTPAddrs:[] MemdAddrs:[]} SecurityConfig:{UseTLS:false TLSRootCAProvider:0x1278280 Auth:0xc000099920 AuthMechanisms:} CompressionConfig:{Enabled:false DisableDecompression:false MinSize:0 MinRatio:0} ConfigPollerConfig:{HTTPRedialPeriod:0s HTTPRetryDelay:0s HTTPMaxWait:0s CccpMaxWait:0s CccpPollPeriod:0s} IoConfig:{NetworkType: UseMutationTokens:true UseDurations:true UseOutOfOrderResponses:true DisableXErrorHello:false DisableJSONHello:false DisableSyncReplicationHello:false EnablePITRHello:false UseCollections:true} KVConfig:{ConnectTimeout:10s PoolSize:0 MaxQueueSize:0} HTTPConfig:{MaxIdleConns:0 MaxIdleConnsPerHost:0 IdleConnectionTimeout:0s} DefaultRetryStrategy:0xc0000997e0 CircuitBreakerConfig:{Enabled:true VolumeThreshold:0 ErrorThresholdPercentage:0 SleepWindow:0s RollingWindow:0s CompletionCallback: CanaryTimeout:0s} OrphanReporterConfig:{Enabled:true ReportInterval:0s SampleSize:0} TracerConfig:{Tracer:0xc000099800 NoRootTraceSpans:true} MeterConfig:{Meter:}}
GOCB 17:55:52.603292 cccpcfgcontroller.go:81: CCCP Looper starting.
GOCB 17:55:52.603308 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:52.603393 memdpipelineclient.go:204: Pipeline Client preparing for new client loop
GOCB 17:55:52.603395 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:52.603434 memdpipelineclient.go:217: Pipeline Client retrieving new client connection for parent 0xc0000c4870
GOCB 17:55:52.603479 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:52.603574 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:52.603632 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:52.603685 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=10ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:52.603693 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:52.603733 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:52.603750 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=50ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:52.603751 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen: GOCB 17:55:52.603768 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:52.603782 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=100ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READYGOCB 17:55:52.604873 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:52.604900 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.GOCB 17:55:52.604918 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=500ms, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:52.614172 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen: GOCB 17:55:52.614210 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:52.614230 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READYGOCB 17:55:52.658432 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:52.658466 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.GOCB 17:55:52.658484 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:52.707323 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen: GOCB 17:55:52.707353 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:52.707368 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READYGOCB 17:55:53.107239 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:53.107296 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.GOCB 17:55:53.107327 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:53.618794 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen: GOCB 17:55:53.618873 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:53.618919 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READYGOCB 17:55:53.660592 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:53.660620 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.GOCB 17:55:53.660634 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:53.709564 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen: GOCB 17:55:53.709606 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:53.709626 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READYGOCB 17:55:54.109347 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:54.109488 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.GOCB 17:55:54.109519 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:54.619571 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:54.619673 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:54.619726 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:54.664398 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:54.664435 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:54.664448 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:54.712111 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:54.712147 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:54.712161 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:55.113529 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:55.113596 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:55.113631 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:55.606682 cccpcfgcontroller.go:141: CCCPPOLL: Failed to retrieve CCCP config. ambiguous timeout
GOCB 17:55:55.606764 cccpcfgcontroller.go:173: CCCPPOLL: Failed to retrieve config from any node.
GOCB 17:55:55.620226 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:55.620297 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:55.620330 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:55.669719 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:55.669765 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:55.669789 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:55.713319 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:55.713350 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:55.713366 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:56.118977 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:56.119043 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:56.119077 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:56.625269 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:56.625355 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:56.625405 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:56.673672 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:56.673716 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:56.673739 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:56.717881 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:56.717944 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:56.717981 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
GOCB 17:55:57.120226 diagnosticscomponent.go:648: Bootstrap error found before config seen:
GOCB 17:55:57.120304 diagnosticscomponent.go:663: No config seen yet in http muxer but no errors found.
GOCB 17:55:57.120415 retry.go:175: Will retry request. Backoff=1s, OperationID=waituntilready. Reason=NOT_READY
panic: unambiguous timeout | {“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{“InnerError”:{},“Message”:“unambiguous timeout”}},“OperationID”:“WaitUntilReady”,“Opaque”:“”,“TimeObserved”:5005012905,“RetryReasons”:[“NOT_READY”],“RetryAttempts”:25,“LastDispatchedTo”:“”,“LastDispatchedFrom”:“”,“LastConnectionID”:“”}

Hi @user3 sorry I meant to use gocb.SetLogger(gocb.VerboseStdioLogger) rather than DefaultStdioLogger which would show us a bit more information. Regardless of that I’ve had a go myself running through the installation instructions and I think that I can see a couple of issues you might be having.

The guide creates a 3 node cluster, using one container per node all on the same machine. The problem here is that only db3 is exposing the ports needed by the SDK and the 3 nodes will be communicating via internal docker networking. Unless the SDK is also running in a container alongside those 3 then it won’t be able to connect to 2 of the nodes. At the bottom of that page it says that you can connect to a single node cluster using localhost. The same thing won’t work for a multinode cluster in this way.

Looking at the log output I can also see that the SDK is failing to ever get a cluster config which makes me think that the address might also not be accessible to the SDK?

@chvck So appreciated with your replying. I will try to run my code in the container and see. Thanks