I hit this error when I’m trying to restore a couchbase backup
/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore --archive backup_13082019 --repo backup --cluster couchbase:// --disable-eventing -u -p -t 4
Error restoring cluster: Not all data was sent to Couchbase due to connectivity issues. Check to make sure there were no server side failures. See the logs for for more details on what wasn’t sent.
Is there a way to say to the restore mechanism to retry sending a record if it failed ?
I have around 490000 records to restore but when done I only see 430000
Hi CB Support,
I too am facing the same issue (like Jean-Paul Bonnet)
[couchbase@pwd]$ /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -a path -r cluster -c IP -u username -p password
(1/1) Restoring backup 2020-12-02T17_59_24.686390958+05_30
Copying at 0B (about 0h 0m 0s remaining) 173521 items / 403.48MB
bucket1 [======================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
bucket2 [======================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
bucket3 [======================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
bucket4 [======================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
bucket5 [======================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
bucket6 [======================================================================================================================================] 100.00%
Error restoring cluster: Not all data was sent to Couchbase due to connectivity issues. Check to make sure there were no server side failures. See the logs for for more details on what wasn’t sent.
Can someone please help on what could be the issue ?
I have set reasonably huge amount of DATA and INDEX service plus good amount of memory quota for buckets.