Question about exceptions: I’ve written my own wrapper class around the CB Python SDK, and am trying to write unit & functional tests for it. One of the things I’m testing is the retry logic I’ve implemented to handle transient/network errors. The exceptions I’m catching are CouchbaseNetworkError, CouchbaseTransientError, TemporaryFailError
. I also attempted to check the is_transient
and is_network
attributes of the raised exceptions, because the documentation ( does not make it clear what exceptions may have these attributes. For example, it’s only implied that CouchbaseTransientError
will have is_transient
set to (some value that evaluates to True) - it doesn’t state it explicitly, nor does it state whether or not any other exceptions might set this attr. The same goes for CouchbaseNetworkError
and the is_network
So, can someone please provide concrete info on how these attrs map to exceptions?
Additional, and more involved question:
What is the proper method for instantiating a CouchbaseError
exception? I’ve tried instantiating them with no constructor parameters, and I get an error:
def __init__(self, params=None):
if isinstance(params, str):
params = {'message': params}
elif isinstance(params, CouchbaseError):
> self.rc = params.get('rc', self.CODE)
E AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
…The hack I’ve used thus far is to pass a[ny] string to the constructor, a la error = CouchbaseNetworkError('blah')
. This is obviously not the correct way to do this. What I’m guessing IS the correct way is to use CouchbaseError.rc_to_exctype(int)
, but I cannot figure out exactly what integer value to use for CouchbaseTransientError
itself, as opposed to its subclasses. For example, I see in error.h that 0x02 == LCB_AUTH_ERROR
, and rc_to_exctype(2)
returns an AuthError
, but I don’t see what hex code I’m supposed to use in order to instantiate CouchbaseTransientError
Also: I see that when I instantiate a CouchbaseTransientError
, the is_transient attr == 8
. I’m guessing this is because of:
…but why?
Apologies in advance for incoherence, this is all just very confusing to me.