Fail to create primary index using gsi

Hi Everyone, I am new in couchbase world and i import sample data (beer-sample data) into beer-sample bucket and to write ad-hoc query for that i need primary index and while creating primary index it’s showing me error “GSI CreatePrimaryIndex() - cause: Fails to create index. There is no available index service that can process this request at this time. Index Service can be in bootstrap, recovery, or non-reachable. Please retry the operation at a later time.”. Please help me for solving this issue.

Please find following screenshot for same.

Hi @Ankit_Raj, which couchbase server version are you using ? Which OS?

This error can occur when query service fails to communicate with indexer service. Can you please check if indexer process is running? If yes, can you attach query.log and indexer.log files from all couchbase nodes , so that we can debug the issue?
