What would be the fastest way for inserting a lot of documents through the Sync Gateway?
Currently, my document is composed by attachments (pictures) and some metadata.
The solution me any my team came up was to develop a python script which would use the REST API to create the document, retrieve the id and revision, then update the document by adding attachments:
res = self.client.post('{}/'.format(self.server), json=data)
self.document = res.json()
for img in self.images:
res = self.client.put('{}/{}/{}?rev={}'.format(self.server,
self.document.get('id'), img,
data=open(os.path.join(filepath, img), 'rb'),
headers={'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'})
self.document = res.json()
We added this script in celery + rabbit to make it faster, but this is not fast enough for us.
Does anyone have a better way of adding documents with attachments faster?
I’m getting an average of 200ops/sec:
Server Config: Inter i7 3.60GHz
SSD: 512GB