Hi, I have this problem for Couchbase installation in php running in Windows 7 Professional (64-bit)
I’m using Wampserver v2.4, Apache Version : 2.4.4, PHP Version : 5.4.12
I downloaded this SDK:
and extracted to my php extensions folder (C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.4.12\ext)
then I added this line on my php.ini inside the php5.4.12 folder
I copied the php example from the getting started page:
// adjust these parameters to match your installation
$cb = new Couchbase("", "", "", "default");
$cb->set("a", 101);
It will return this line:
Fatal error: Class ‘Couchbase’ not found in C:\wamp\www\CouchbaseTest\index.php on line 3
Which version of WAMP are you using? 32 or 34bits?
It may be due to the fact that you are using WAMP 64bits and we do not have today a package for it and you should install the 32bits WAMP.
Yes I used the 64-bits of WAMP. And now I reinstalled using the 32-bits version, copied the extension, and added the line to my php.ini, but it still throws the same error.
Here’s the log from my Apache
"GET /CouchbaseTest/ HTTP/1.1" 200 971
I used the Windows PHP 5.4 TS, 32-bit extension. I tried the NTS as well but both doesn’t work.
Need your advise as I need to rush to do my project using Couchbase.
Thank you very much.
Can you run php -m and see if couchbase is listed there and also if errors show up? If it doesnt show up and no errors are there, then it is a path issue.
Otherwise php will complain in there if the module is incompatible.