Filter with complex start and end key in view

I want to filter my data with complex key. my view is like this :

function (doc, meta) 

  if(doc.customerId && doc.docType)
    var out = {,id:, TimeStamp :doc.TimeStamp , 
               Title:doc.Title , managerValue:doc.managerValue,scenarioId:doc.scenarioId,
    emit([doc.customerId,doc.startDate,doc.endDate], out);

I have tow field for datetime in of them is startDate and another on is endDate another key is customerId which is fixed . I want to filter my docs which they are between to date and have .I use Nodejs SDK and I write some code like this :

 var query = ViewQuery.from('dev_Form', 'test').range(["Customer_dd4ced5b-7ff7-450f-88bd-642d162afbaa", "2017/11/05 00:00", ""], ["Customer_dd4ced5b-7ff7-450f-88bd-642d162afbaa","\ufff0", "2017/11/08 00:00"], false);
    myBucket.query(query, function (err, results) {
        if (err) console.log(err)


But I can’t filter my Dates.What should I do now? How I should write my query?