Fulltext search compound queries not working

I am using .net SDK v.2.3.8 with couchbase server 4.5 with full text search enabled. Recently i created a full text index on a bucket with type mapping, when running a simple search queries everything works fine but when i using compound queries such as BooleanQuery or conjunction query there is exception with message : “Can not add Newtonsof.json.linq.Jarray to Newtonsof.json.linq.jobject”. Please help me

@fakhreddin_rezgol -

I think you found a bug that was recently patched on master: NCBC-1214: BooleanQuery should only require one sub-query, not one of · couchbase/couchbase-net-client@ea1c617 · GitHub

This will be in 2.3.9 due for release the first week of Nov or you can pull master and build it yourself.



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