I am trying to get documents based on a single key which can be done in couchdb e.g. /blog/_design/docs/_view/by_date?key=“2009/01/30 18:04:11” http://guide.couchdb.org/draft/views.html#one .
The iOS version seems to be able to do it using “keys” (If non-nil, the query will fetch only the rows with the given keys." http://couchbase.github.io/couchbase-lite-ios/docs/html/interfaceCBLQuery.html#a0f1d7f8f62d04e6ee016d7d518d4dbcb ) but the android version
seems to operate differently (“An optional array of document IDs. If given, only keys emitted by the documents with these IDs will be returned” - http://developer.couchbase.com/mobile/develop/guides/couchbase-lite/native-api/query/index.html#creating )
The net being I’ve not been able to successfully query specific documents based on keys
May 27, 2014, 6:28pm
I filed a ticket to see if we have existing test coverage for this here:
opened 06:15PM - 27 May 14 UTC
closed 12:16PM - 28 May 14 UTC
Original issue report: http://www.couchbase.com/communities/q-and-a/get-documents-single-key-android-couchbase-lite
Which tests in cblite-tests (if any) test the following functionality?
If there are none, can you add one?
Can you update the issue and add exact steps to reproduce your problem?
Design doc you are using
Curl request(s) that reproduce the issue.
May 27, 2014, 7:04pm
The iOS and Android docs are describing the same feature, just using different words.
What exactly is the problem you’re running into?
It was my error. I was trying to get a key “1” when the key was true. Though the difference in wording is a bit confusing, the android version makes it seem like you’re specifying document ids
we have such tests in our functional tests:
they have the same result for both Android and ios:
{ offset: 0,
total_rows: 1,
rows: [ { id: ‘cbl_views_5’, value: ‘bar’, key: ‘cbl_views_5’ } ] }
{ offset: 0,
total_rows: 3,
[ { id: ‘cbl_views_3’, value: ‘bar’, key: ‘cbl_views_3’ },
{ id: ‘cbl_views_4’, value: ‘bar’, key: ‘cbl_views_4’ },
{ id: ‘cbl_views_5’, value: ‘bar’, key: ‘cbl_views_5’ } ] }
i am creating cocuhbase lite document through code:
Map properties = new HashMap();
properties.put(“type”, “list”);
properties.put(“title”, title);
properties.put(“created_at”, currentTimeString);
properties.put(“owner”, “profile:” + userId);
properties.put(“members”, new
Document document = database.createDocument();
Can you help me to create named document as we can create in cocuhbase server like ,