I am working on my thesis for my academic degree, and I need to know the accurate execution time of a query.
I see this information in the workbench, but I want to iterate a lot of query for save their runtimes in ms in a .csv file.
The Stopwatch gives me inaccurate results, because a simple SELECT query’s elapsed time is 30-50ms, but the StopWatch’s EllapsedMillisenconds value is 100-140ms.
This is my code snippet, I guess I am using a good method.
var bucket = cb.OpenBucket(“travel-sample”);
string qq = “SELECT country FROMtravel-sample
WHERE name="Texas Wings";”;run_Time.Start(); //StopWatch var result = bucket.Query<dynamic>(qq); run_Time.Stop();
Is there a command in .NET SDK 2.5 for get the queries execution time?
Thank you in advance!