I have a shared index on a cluster created with query:
CREATE INDEX `idx_errors`
ON `data`((distinct (array `err` for `err` in (`extract`.`errors`) end)))
PARTITION BY hash((meta().`id`)) WITH { "num_partition":8 }
And I am trying to query data the with following query:
SELECT count(*) as count_errors
FROM data AS doc
WHERE ANY e IN doc.extract.errors SATISFIES e LIKE "%host" END;
And getting error:
"code": 5000,
"msg": "All indexer replica is down or unavailable or unable to process request - cause: queryport.client.noHost"
I haven’t found any explanation of this error in the internet. Is there any additional info about how to fix this issue or what to do further?
Can you kindly let us know the couchbase-server version you are using. Also, what is your cluster status. Is any of the indexer node on which the index “idx_errors” resides is inactive/failed over?
Can you kindly share the indexer logs from indexer nodes where the index idx_errors resides and query logs so that we can investigate the issue further. The logs can be found in /opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/logs directory on a linux distribution.
Thanks for sharing the logs. From the logs, I see that there is no index for bucket data (rather I see an index for bucket scraped_data). Am I missing anything? Also, can you share the logs when the issue is happening?
@varun.velamuri Data bucket is just for example. For real we work with idx_errors index on scraped_data bucket. I’ve resented extended logs from needed period.
Please check mail.
The issue is a known issue in 6.0.1 version (See Loading...). It happens when ns_server changes the address of indexer from to
As a long term solution, I recommend you to upgrade to 6.0.2 where this issue is fixed. As a temporary solution, you can terminate the cbq-engine/indexer process on the node