Getting error while restoring backup

i have taken backup on the s3 bucket now i am trying restore that on my clusert getting below error:

/opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackupmgr restore -a s3://dev-couchbase-backups/couchbase-backup   -r newrepo --obj-staging-dir /home/ec2-user/backups/cb-new/ -c -u dum -p dum --auto-select-threads  --auto-create-buckets
Output : 
(1/1) Restoring backup 2024-10-23T11_19_28.217955451Z '2024-10-23T11_19_28.217955451Z'
Transferring eventing metadata                                                                                                                                            0 items / 0B[============================] 100.00%Error restoring cluster: Received error 207 while executing "POST"

Couchbase version is 6.6.0

Hi @shekharcb - this error indicates we got HTTP status code 207 Multistatus from eventing, which indicates some but not all of the eventing metadata was restored correctly.

The reason is likely in the log files (/home/ec2-user/backups/cb-new/couchbase-backup/logs) - if you could look in there or attach the log we may be able to help further.

this is the logs:

2024-10-24T09:45:44.188+00:00 (Plan) Transferring cluster configuration
2024-10-24T09:45:44.188+00:00 (Plan) Successfully transferred cluster config
2024-10-24T09:45:44.189+00:00 (Plan) Transferring Eventing metadata
2024-10-24T09:45:44.190+00:00 (Rest) GET http://ip:8091/pools/default/nodeServices 200
2024-10-24T09:45:45.317+00:00 (Rest) POST http://ip:8096/api/v1/import 207
2024-10-24T09:45:45.318+00:00 (Stats) Stopping stat collection
2024-10-24T09:45:45.318+00:00 (Cmd) Error restoring cluster: failed to execute cluster operations: failed to transfer Eventing metadata: failed to set Eventing metadata: Received error 207 while 
executing "POST http://ip:8096/api/v1/import"

Thanks for the logs. Unfortunately it looks like we will need the logs from the server you are restoring to. Could you share the eventing.log file?
