Getting Timeout error while connecting to Couchbase Capella Cluster

Hello, I’m getting below error while connecting to my test cluster on Couchbase Capella.
Using SDK doctor I’m able to connect my test cluster successfully and in ‘Allowed IPs’ all IPs are allowed with value ‘’

I’m using Java SDK v3.3.4 and Spring boot v2.7.18

com.couchbase.client.core.error.ConfigException: Caught exception while loading global config.
  at com.couchbase.client.core.config.loader.GlobalLoader.lambda$load$3( ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnErrorResume$ResumeSubscriber.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapSubscriber.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapSubscriber.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapSubscriber.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.MonoIgnoreThen$ThenIgnoreMain.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.FluxMap$MapSubscriber.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnErrorResume$ResumeSubscriber.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at com.pearson.glp.core.logger.service.MdcContextLifter.onError( ~[microservice-core-1.8.22.RELEASE.jar:?]
  at reactor.core.publisher.Operators.error( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.MonoError.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.Mono.subscribe( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnErrorResume$ResumeSubscriber.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at reactor.core.publisher.FluxDoFinally$DoFinallySubscriber.onError( ~[reactor-core-3.4.34.jar:3.4.34]
  at com.couchbase.client.core.Reactor$SilentMonoCompletionStage.lambda$subscribe$0( ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniWhenComplete( ~[?:?]
  at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniWhenComplete.tryFire( ~[?:?]
  at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete( ~[?:?]
  at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completeExceptionally( ~[?:?]
  at com.couchbase.client.core.msg.BaseRequest.cancel( ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at com.couchbase.client.core.msg.Request.cancel( ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at com.couchbase.client.core.Timer.lambda$register$2( ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at$ ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at$HashedWheelTimeout.expire( ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at$HashedWheelBucket.expireTimeouts( ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at$ ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]
  at [?:?]
Caused by: com.couchbase.client.core.error.UnambiguousTimeoutException: CarrierGlobalConfigRequest, Reason: TIMEOUT {"cancelled":true,"completed":true,"coreId":"0x4a20555100000001","idempotent":true,"reason":"TIMEOUT","requestId":1,"requestType":"CarrierGlobalConfigRequest","retried":29,"retryReasons":["NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE"],"service":{"opaque":"0x0","target":"","type":"kv","vbucket":0},"timeoutMs":10000}
  at com.couchbase.client.core.msg.BaseRequest.cancel( ~[core-io-2.3.4.jar:?]

in Couchbase debug logs I observed below log as well

c.c.request                              : [com.couchbase.request][RequestRetryScheduledEvent][2000us] Request CarrierGlobalConfigRequest retry scheduled per RetryStrategy (Reason: NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE) {"completed":false,"coreId":"0x4a20555100000001","idempotent":true,"requestId":1,"requestType":"CarrierGlobalConfigRequest","retried":5,"retryReasons":["NODE_NOT_AVAILABLE"],"service":{"opaque":"0x0","target":"","type":"kv","vbucket":0},"timeoutMs":10000}

Target has the connection string name instead of the data node hostname that should have been found by the DNS SRV lookup. Is there an earlier message about the DNS SRV lookup failing? If SDK Doctor succeeds with that same connection string, then the DNS SRV lookup is succeeding for SDK Doctor.

The actual DNS SRV name would be

Showing the SDK Doctor command and output and all the SDK logging might shed some light on the issue.

Please find the SDK doctor logs

| ___ ___ _ __ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ |
| / | | |/ /| \ / _ \ / | / _ | _ \ |
| _
\ |) | ’ <
| |) | () | (_ | || () | / |
| |
//||_\ |/ _/ _| |_| __/||\ |
| |

Note: Diagnostics can only provide accurate results when your cluster
is in a stable state. Active rebalancing and other cluster configuration
changes can cause the output of the doctor to be inconsistent or in the
worst cases, completely incorrect.

16:14:11.985 INFO :arrow_forward: Parsing connection string couchbases://
16:14:11.986 INFO :arrow_forward: Connection string was parsed as a potential DNS SRV record
16:14:12.048 INFO :arrow_forward: Connection string specifies to use secured connections
16:14:12.049 INFO :arrow_forward: Connection string identifies the following CCCP endpoints:
16:14:12.049 INFO :arrow_forward: 1.
16:14:12.049 INFO :arrow_forward: Connection string identifies the following HTTP endpoints:
16:14:12.049 INFO :arrow_forward: Connection string specifies bucket testimc
16:14:12.049 WARN :arrow_forward: No certificate authority file specified (–tls-ca), skipping server certificate verification for this run.
16:14:12.126 WARN :arrow_forward: The hostname specified in your connection string resolves both for SRV records, as well as A records. This is not suggested as later DNS configuration changes could cause the wrong servers to be contacted
16:14:12.126 INFO :arrow_forward: Performing DNS lookup for host
16:14:12.196 INFO :arrow_forward: Bootstrap host refers to a server with the address
16:14:12.200 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to connect to cluster via CCCP
16:14:12.200 INFO :arrow_forward: Attempting to fetch config via cccp from
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: Selected the following network type: default
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: Identified the following nodes:
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: [0]
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: capiSSL: 18092, ftsSSL: 18094, indexHttps: 19102
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: n1ql: 8093, capi: 8092, indexAdmin: 9100
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: indexScan: 9101, indexStreamMaint: 9105, mgmt: 8091
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: mgmtSSL: 18091, ftsGRPC: 9130, kvSSL: 11207
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: projector: 9999, fts: 8094, ftsGRPCSSL: 19130
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: indexHttp: 9102, indexStreamCatchup: 9104, indexStreamInit: 9103
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: kv: 11210, n1qlSSL: 18093
16:14:12.825 INFO :arrow_forward: Fetching config from
16:14:13.161 INFO :arrow_forward: Received cluster configuration, nodes list:
“addressFamily”: “inet”,
“addressFamilyOnly”: true,
“clusterCompatibility”: 458758,
“clusterMembership”: “active”,
“configuredHostname”: “”,
“couchApiBase”: “”,
“couchApiBaseHTTPS”: “”,
“cpuCount”: 2,
“externalListeners”: [
“afamily”: “inet”,
“nodeEncryption”: true
“hostname”: “”,
“interestingStats”: {
“cmd_get”: 0,
“couch_docs_actual_disk_size”: 93566976,
“couch_docs_data_size”: 50619147,
“couch_spatial_data_size”: 0,
“couch_spatial_disk_size”: 0,
“couch_views_actual_disk_size”: 0,
“couch_views_data_size”: 0,
“curr_items”: 63344,
“curr_items_tot”: 63344,
“ep_bg_fetched”: 3,
“get_hits”: 0,
“index_data_size”: 74183468,
“index_disk_size”: 40631649,
“mem_used”: 91458720,
“ops”: 0,
“vb_active_num_non_resident”: 0,
“vb_replica_curr_items”: 0
“mcdMemoryAllocated”: 6190,
“mcdMemoryReserved”: 6190,
“memoryFree”: 6812037120,
“memoryTotal”: 8114659328,
“nodeEncryption”: true,
“nodeEncryptionClientCertVerification”: false,
“nodeHash”: 6151929,
“nodeUUID”: “b9b4f2e20a2cf41312537b228299c518”,
“os”: “aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu”,
“otpNode”: “”,
“ports”: {
“direct”: 11210,
“distTCP”: 21100,
“distTLS”: 21150,
“httpsCAPI”: 18092,
“httpsMgmt”: 18091
“recoveryType”: “none”,
“serverGroup”: “Group 1”,
“services”: [
“status”: “healthy”,
“systemStats”: {
“allocstall”: 0,
“cpu_cores_available”: 2,
“cpu_stolen_rate”: 0,
“cpu_utilization_rate”: 7.450000000098953,
“mem_free”: 6812037120,
“mem_limit”: 8114659328,
“mem_total”: 8114659328,
“swap_total”: 0,
“swap_used”: 0
“thisNode”: true,
“uptime”: “113634”,
“version”: “7.6.3-4211-enterprise”
16:14:13.665 INFO :arrow_forward: Successfully connected to Key Value service at
16:14:14.098 INFO :arrow_forward: Successfully connected to Management service at
16:14:14.414 INFO :arrow_forward: Successfully connected to Views service at
16:14:14.747 INFO :arrow_forward: Successfully connected to Query service at
16:14:15.333 INFO :arrow_forward: Successfully connected to Search service at
16:14:15.333 WARN :arrow_forward: Could not test Analytics service on as it was not in the config
16:14:16.861 INFO :arrow_forward: Memd Nop Pinged 10 times, 0 errors, 93ms min, 113ms max, 100ms mean
16:14:16.861 WARN :arrow_forward: Memcached service on on average took longer than 10ms (was: 100ms) to reply. This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance.
16:14:16.861 WARN :arrow_forward: Memcached service on maximally took longer than 20ms (was: 113ms) to reply. This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance.
16:14:16.861 INFO :arrow_forward: Diagnostics completed

[WARN] No certificate authority file specified (–tls-ca), skipping server certificate verification for this run.
[WARN] The hostname specified in your connection string resolves both for SRV records, as well as A records. This is not suggested as later DNS configuration changes could cause the wrong servers to be contacted
[WARN] Could not test Analytics service on as it was not in the config
[WARN] Memcached service on on average took longer than 10ms (was: 100ms) to reply. This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance.
[WARN] Memcached service on maximally took longer than 20ms (was: 113ms) to reply. This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance.

And application logs I can see below logs for DNS SRV

WARN 43667 — [ cb-events] c.c.config : [com.couchbase.config][ConnectionStringIgnoredEvent] The connection string specifies the secure ‘couchbases’ scheme, but TLS will not be used because the cluster was created from a shared ClusterEnvironment that does not have ‘security.enableTls’ set to true.
WARN 43667 — [ cb-events] c.c.config : [com.couchbase.config][TlsRequiredButNotEnabledEvent] TLS is required when connecting to Couchbase Capella, but is not enabled. Please enable TLS by setting the ‘security.enableTLS’ client setting to true.
INFO 43667 — [ cb-events] c.c.core : [com.couchbase.core][DnsSrvLookupFailedEvent][45s] DNS SRV lookup failed (timed out). This is expected if the there is no DNS SRV record associated with the hostname in the connection string. Will now try to bootstrap directly from the given hostname. To suppress this message, specify an IP address instead of a hostname (for example: instead of localhost), specify more than one hostname, or set the io.enableDnsSrv client setting to false.

SDK Doctor command output as below

|          ___ ___  _  __   ___   ___   ___ _____ ___  ___           |
|         / __|   \| |/ /__|   \ / _ \ / __|_   _/ _ \| _ \          |
|         \__ \ |) | ' <___| |) | (_) | (__  | || (_) |   /          |
|         |___/___/|_|\_\  |___/ \___/ \___| |_| \___/|_|_\          |
|                                                                    |

Note: Diagnostics can only provide accurate results when your cluster
 is in a stable state.  Active rebalancing and other cluster configuration
 changes can cause the output of the doctor to be inconsistent or in the
 worst cases, completely incorrect.

16:14:11.985 INFO ▶ Parsing connection string `couchbases://`
16:14:11.986 INFO ▶ Connection string was parsed as a potential DNS SRV record
16:14:12.048 INFO ▶ Connection string specifies to use secured connections
16:14:12.049 INFO ▶ Connection string identifies the following CCCP endpoints:
16:14:12.049 INFO ▶   1.
16:14:12.049 INFO ▶ Connection string identifies the following HTTP endpoints:
16:14:12.049 INFO ▶ Connection string specifies bucket `testimc`
16:14:12.049 WARN ▶ No certificate authority file specified (--tls-ca), skipping server certificate verification for this run.
16:14:12.126 WARN ▶ The hostname specified in your connection string resolves both for SRV records, as well as A records.  This is not suggested as later DNS configuration changes could cause the wrong servers to be contacted
16:14:12.126 INFO ▶ Performing DNS lookup for host ``
16:14:12.196 INFO ▶ Bootstrap host `` refers to a server with the address ``
16:14:12.200 INFO ▶ Attempting to connect to cluster via CCCP
16:14:12.200 INFO ▶ Attempting to fetch config via cccp from ``
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶ Selected the following network type: default
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶ Identified the following nodes:
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶   [0]
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶                  capiSSL: 18092,               ftsSSL: 18094,           indexHttps: 19102
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶                     n1ql:  8093,                 capi:  8092,           indexAdmin:  9100
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶                indexScan:  9101,     indexStreamMaint:  9105,                 mgmt:  8091
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶                  mgmtSSL: 18091,              ftsGRPC:  9130,                kvSSL: 11207
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶                projector:  9999,                  fts:  8094,           ftsGRPCSSL: 19130
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶                indexHttp:  9102,   indexStreamCatchup:  9104,      indexStreamInit:  9103
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶                       kv: 11210,              n1qlSSL: 18093
16:14:12.825 INFO ▶ Fetching config from ``
16:14:13.161 INFO ▶ Received cluster configuration, nodes list:
    "addressFamily": "inet",
    "addressFamilyOnly": true,
    "clusterCompatibility": 458758,
    "clusterMembership": "active",
    "configuredHostname": "",
    "couchApiBase": "",
    "couchApiBaseHTTPS": "",
    "cpuCount": 2,
    "externalListeners": [
        "afamily": "inet",
        "nodeEncryption": true
    "hostname": "",
    "interestingStats": {
      "cmd_get": 0,
      "couch_docs_actual_disk_size": 93566976,
      "couch_docs_data_size": 50619147,
      "couch_spatial_data_size": 0,
      "couch_spatial_disk_size": 0,
      "couch_views_actual_disk_size": 0,
      "couch_views_data_size": 0,
      "curr_items": 63344,
      "curr_items_tot": 63344,
      "ep_bg_fetched": 3,
      "get_hits": 0,
      "index_data_size": 74183468,
      "index_disk_size": 40631649,
      "mem_used": 91458720,
      "ops": 0,
      "vb_active_num_non_resident": 0,
      "vb_replica_curr_items": 0
    "mcdMemoryAllocated": 6190,
    "mcdMemoryReserved": 6190,
    "memoryFree": 6812037120,
    "memoryTotal": 8114659328,
    "nodeEncryption": true,
    "nodeEncryptionClientCertVerification": false,
    "nodeHash": 6151929,
    "nodeUUID": "b9b4f2e20a2cf41312537b228299c518",
    "os": "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
    "otpNode": "",
    "ports": {
      "direct": 11210,
      "distTCP": 21100,
      "distTLS": 21150,
      "httpsCAPI": 18092,
      "httpsMgmt": 18091
    "recoveryType": "none",
    "serverGroup": "Group 1",
    "services": [
    "status": "healthy",
    "systemStats": {
      "allocstall": 0,
      "cpu_cores_available": 2,
      "cpu_stolen_rate": 0,
      "cpu_utilization_rate": 7.450000000098953,
      "mem_free": 6812037120,
      "mem_limit": 8114659328,
      "mem_total": 8114659328,
      "swap_total": 0,
      "swap_used": 0
    "thisNode": true,
    "uptime": "113634",
    "version": "7.6.3-4211-enterprise"
16:14:13.665 INFO ▶ Successfully connected to Key Value service at ``
16:14:14.098 INFO ▶ Successfully connected to Management service at ``
16:14:14.414 INFO ▶ Successfully connected to Views service at ``
16:14:14.747 INFO ▶ Successfully connected to Query service at ``
16:14:15.333 INFO ▶ Successfully connected to Search service at ``
16:14:15.333 WARN ▶ Could not test Analytics service on `` as it was not in the config
16:14:16.861 INFO ▶ Memd Nop Pinged `` 10 times, 0 errors, 93ms min, 113ms max, 100ms mean
16:14:16.861 WARN ▶ Memcached service on `` on average took longer than 10ms (was: 100ms) to reply.  This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance.
16:14:16.861 WARN ▶ Memcached service on `` maximally took longer than 20ms (was: 113ms) to reply. This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance.
16:14:16.861 INFO ▶ Diagnostics completed

[WARN] No certificate authority file specified (--tls-ca), skipping server certificate verification for this run.
[WARN] The hostname specified in your connection string resolves both for SRV records, as well as A records.  This is not suggested as later DNS configuration changes could cause the wrong servers to be contacted
[WARN] Could not test Analytics service on `` as it was not in the config
[WARN] Memcached service on `` on average took longer than 10ms (was: 100ms) to reply.  This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance.
[WARN] Memcached service on `` maximally took longer than 20ms (was: 113ms) to reply. This is usually due to network-related issues, and could significantly affect application performance.

Found multiple issues, see listing above.

application logs found related to DNS SRV

2024-12-11 13:32:25.267  WARN 5960 --- [      cb-events] c.c.config                               : [com.couchbase.config][ConnectionStringIgnoredEvent] The connection string specifies the secure 'couchbases' scheme, but TLS will not be used because the cluster was created from a shared ClusterEnvironment that does not have 'security.enableTls' set to true.
2024-12-11 13:32:25.267  WARN 5960 --- [      cb-events] c.c.config                               : [com.couchbase.config][TlsRequiredButNotEnabledEvent] TLS is required when connecting to Couchbase Capella, but is not enabled. Please enable TLS by setting the 'security.enableTLS' client setting to true.
2024-12-11 13:33:10.374  INFO 5960 --- [      cb-events] c.c.core                                 : [com.couchbase.core][DnsSrvLookupFailedEvent][45s] DNS SRV lookup failed (timed out). This is expected if the there is no DNS SRV record associated with the hostname in the connection string. Will now try to bootstrap directly from the given hostname. To suppress this message, specify an IP address instead of a hostname (for example: instead of localhost), specify more than one hostname, or set the `io.enableDnsSrv` client setting to false.

You’ll need to modify the ClusterEnvironment to use enableTls(true).

ClusterOptions.clusterOptions(username, password)
    .environment(env -> env
        .securityConfig(security -> security

If you are using spring-data-couchbase, this would be done in an override for configureEnvironment(builder) in your implementation of AbstractCouchbaseConfiguration.

protected void configureEnvironment(final ClusterEnvironment.Builder builder) {
	builder.securityConfig(sec -> sec.enableTls(true));

It seems we could be friendlier by automatically using enableTls(true) when the connection string begins with couchbases://