Grouping Duplicate key values of an array and displaying the count in N1QL

"brands": [
    "value": "brand1"
    "value": "brand1"
    "value": "brand2"
"count": 3,
"name": "Windows"

I have an document like this in that , How can I group the array contents with the similar value and get the count of it ? Something like below . Can someone help me with this ?

"brands": [
  "value": "brand1",
  "count": 2
  "value": "brand2",
"count": 3,
"name": "Windows"
SELECT d.*,  brands, ARRAY_SUM(brands[*].`count`) AS count
FROM default AS d
LET brands =  (SELECT b.`value`, COUNT(1) AS count
               FROM d.brands AS b
               GROUP BY b.`value`)
WHERE ....