I have an issue with handling SQLite error during couchbase sync.
I’m working on react-native android app that use couchbase community edition (v3.2.2)
During the sync process, when device is running out of disk space I want to handle it by informing the user and stopping the sync process.
I have a replicator change listener that should have change.status.error but this error is not appearing there.
I also tried to handle couchbase exceptions globally in the app but also there was no success.
I can see the SQLite error in android logs:
2025-03-24 15:03:30.944 10409-10677 CouchbaseL...REPLICATOR com.app W Obj=/JRepl@1106012647/C4RemoteRepl#4/Repl#5/Inserter#8/ Coll=0 Failed to insert 'b507c82e-5e0c-4578-8818-e3ddf14defce' #1-606da38124889e0597e39b5b9f56b2e3 : POSIX error 28, "No space left on device"
2025-03-24 15:03:30.945 10409-10677 CouchbaseLite/DATABASE com.app E SQLite error (code 13): statement aborts at 151: [INSERT OR IGNORE INTO "kv_default" (version, body, extra, flags, sequence, key) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)] database or disk is full
2025-03-24 15:03:30.946 10409-10677 CouchbaseLite/DATABASE com.app E database or disk is full (13/13)
Replicator change listener looks like this
this.listenerToken = this.replicator!!.addChangeListener { change: ReplicatorChange ->
.emit("CouchbaseSyncStatus", Gson().toJson(change.status))
I searched the documentation and this forum but I coudn’t find any clear way to handle this kind of errors.
Does anyone has similar issue or might have an idea how to handle this type of errors?