I have a Doc which stores tracking info for some campaigns and i need to check if the user got this one already send.
So the Doc has a Element called emails which is an Array , which holds an object with an email array which can have more then one email address in ti.
is there any major performance difference between both solutions ? Also how would i only return the email docs which match this clause since it will return all if i say emails in select clause
If you are not looking for index then you can use second.
Depends on what output you want.
You can use UNNEST
FROM default AS d
UNNEST d.emails AS em
WHERE "demo@gmail.com" IN em.email
SELECT ARRAY em FOR em IN d.emails WHEN "demo@gmail.com" IN em.email END AS emails
FROM default AS d
WHERE ANY em IN emails SATISFIES "demo@gmail.com" IN em.email END