Hi Couchbase Gurus,
Need help. How can I JOIN array properties values in 2 document types.
Heres my details below.
locations field:
"locations": [ "location::001", "location::002" ]
location documents
[ { " id": "location::001", "name": "Location Name 1", "address": "Address 01", "territory": "territory::501", }, { "name": "Location Name 2", "address": "Address 02", " id": "location::002", "territory: "territory::505", }, ]
territory documents:
[ { "id": "territory::501", "name": "Territory Name 1"", }, { "id": "territory::505", "name": "Territory Name 2", }, ]
expected output:
"id": "task::6daa6", "name": "test title", "status": "pending", "locations": [ { "id"": location::001", "name": "Location Name 1", "address": "Address 01", "territory": { id: "territory::501", "name": "Territory Name 2", } }, { "id": "location::002", "name": "Location Name 2", "address": "Address 02", "territory": { "id": "territory::505", "name": "Territory Name 2", }, }, ]
My Initial Query:
SELECT meta(`tasks`).id, `tasks`.name, `tasks`.status, locationx AS locations FROM `bucket` AS tasks USE KEYS ['task::6daa6'] LEFT NEST `bucket` AS locs ON META(locs).id IN tasks.locations AND locs.`type` = 'location' AND locs.tenant = 'tenant::01' LEFT JOIN `bucket` AS `users` ON META(`users`).id = `tasks`.createdBy AND `users`.`type` = 'user' AND `users`.tenant = 'tenant::01' LET locationx = (ARRAY { META(loc).id, loc.name, loc.address, loc.imagePlaceholderColor, loc.territory } FOR loc IN locs END) WHERE tasks.`type` = 'task' AND tasks.tenant = 'tenant::o1'