My requirements:
Each document belongs to a category and these categories are considered as a channel.
DocA -> channelA -> UserA, UserB (DocA belongs to ChannelA and ChannelA is used by UserA and UserB).
UserA and UserB work on the same channel and everything is fine. Consider a state where UserA has unsaved changes(not synced yet to a server) and now I removed the channel access to UserA. At this state, the last changes made by the UserA is not saved in the server since the channel access is revoked. This is what happens now. So the data consolidated by the UserA is now useless. Even if I give the channelA access to UserA, it will overwrite the document details(since their revision in the server is 1 more than the UserA- This is my understanding).
My Question.
Is there any way, so that I can push the changes made by the UserA and not pull the document in the future. Or is there any workaround.