Hi Guys,
In Analytics N1QL, how can I SELECT other fields together with Aggregate Function SUM().
I wan to SELECT other fields example ( META(p).id
and p.name
) .
It seems that it produces an Error:
"code": 24041,
"msg": "Cannot resolve alias reference for undefined identifier p (in line 3, at column 3)",
"query_from_user": "SELECT\n META(p).id,\n p.name,\n SUM(pa.sales) AS totalSales,\n SUM(pa.qtyShipped) AS totalShipped\nFROM `company_analytics`.`products` AS p\nLEFT JOIN `company_analytics`.`product-aggregates` AS pa\n ON META(p).id = pa.product\n AND pa.periodAt BETWEEN '2020-01-01T06:00:00.000Z' AND '2020-08-28T23:25:53.178Z'\n AND pa.entityId IN [ \n \"territory::0000\",\n \"territory::0001\",\n \"territory::0002\",\n \"territory::0003\",\n \"territory::0004\",\n \"territory::0005\",\n
Here is my query:
SUM(pa.sales) AS totalSales,
SUM(pa.qtyShipped) AS totalShipped
FROM `company_analytics`.`products` AS p
LEFT JOIN `company_analytics`.`product-aggregates` AS pa
ON META(p).id = pa.product
AND pa.periodAt BETWEEN '2020-01-01T06:00:00.000Z' AND '2020-08-28T23:25:53.178Z'
AND pa.entityId IN [
Hi @lyndondonz,
Try adding p.name to the GROUP BY list:
GROUP BY META(p).id, p.name
Hi @dmitry.lychagin,
Thanks Man!
Cool it works, but what if I have another fields to add example( p.productCode, p,rank
, p.unit, p.price )
would it be:
GROUP BY META(p).id, p.name, p.productCode, p,
rank, p.unit, p.price
is there another simple way for this ?
Hi @lyndondonz,
You could write the query without using GROUP BY:
p.name, p.productCode, p.rank, p.unit, p.price,
FROM `company_analytics`.`products` AS p
LET totals = (
SELECT SUM(pa.sales) AS totalSales, SUM(pa.qtyShipped) AS totalShipped
FROM `company_analytics`.`product-aggregates` AS pa
WHERE META(p).id = pa.product
AND pa.periodAt BETWEEN '2020-01-01T06:00:00.000Z' AND '2020-08-28T23:25:53.178Z'
AND pa.entityId IN [
Hi @dmitry.lychagin,
Sorry for the late response, sorry I forgot to mention that I can ORDER BY totalSales
and totalShipped
and name
Is it possible to ORDER BY using the LET ?
Hi @lyndondonz,
Yes, you can use ‘totals’ variable in the ORDER BY. It’s value is an object
{ "totalSales": ..., "totalShipped": ... }
So you can use it as follows:
ORDER BY p.name, totals.totalSales, totals.totalShipped
Alternatively you can project these fields in the SELECT list and ORDER BY their SELECT aliases:
SELECT p.name AS name, totals.totalSales AS totalSales, totals.totalShipped AS totalShipped
ORDER BY name, totalSales, totalShipped
Hi @dmitry.lychagin,
Cool Thanks Man, It works