With the trouble we’ve experienced in moving to 2.0, we’d like to get back to 1.8.1 in our production cluster for now while we work through our issues in a test environment. My plan was to use ‘swap rebalance’ to replace 2.0 instances with 1.8.1 instances. However, when I attempt to add the 1.8.1 node, I encounter this error:
Attention - This node cannot add another node (‘ns_1@’) because of cluster version compatibility mismatch. Cluster works in [2, 0] mode and node only supports [1, 8]
It appears that I need to get the cluster back into [1, 8] mode, but I haven’t found any information on how to do that.
Web UI shows ‘NOTE: need all 2.0 nodes to enable 2.0-only features’ and additional menu items are gone from UI. However, now when trying to add 1.8.1 node to the cluster I receive the ironic message:
Attention - This node cannot add another node (‘ns_1@’) because of cluster version compatibility mismatch. Cluster works in [1, 8] mode and node only supports [1, 8]
Currently, all 4 2.0 instances in my cluster appear in the ‘PEND’ state even though they seem to be fully loaded into RAM. I am going to sit on this for a while, and hope that the nodes come ‘UP’ and that I am able to add the 1.8.1 node once this occurs, but I am dubious.
To others: If you try to issue the erlang call above w/ diag/eval, note that this seems to be the process for reversing it: