Hello, just a quick question about the logistics of implementing couchbase in a mobile application.
I am going to use a basic example to illustrate my question. Lets say this application has many users. Each user has data describing there house/s, car/s, and boat/s. I am used to mongoDB here, so if I wanted to store this data I would have each user on the mobile side have 3 collections respectively with the appropriate documents describing each house/car/boat in the collection. Then all these documents would be pushed to the server that has 4 collections. Cars, Boats, houses, and users. So every users car would be in the car collection on the server.
If a bucket is the same as a collection, then using couchbase should have the same implementation (or similar). However I am having trouble finding an example that has buckets being used in couchbase mobile. I am wondering if this isn’t the case then what would I do to achieve the same affect? Would having a house database, car database, and boat database have the same affect on the mobile side? then I would sync these databases to buckets on the server? Can a bucket hold every users data for cars or would I need thousands of buckets.