How to cluster backup and restore with couchbase Autonomous Operator with Kubernetes?

I need a suggestion over an issue that i am facing currently, I am using Couchbase Server EE 7.1.3 with Couchbase Operator Kubernetes cluster. The problem i am facing is with taking a backup and restoring the backup. The helm chart documentation says to enable backup for version 7 or higher, we need to add the following sections in the helm chart :

    name: bucket-backup
    strategy: full_incremental
      schedule: "0 3 * * 0"
      schedule: "0 3 * * 1-6"
    successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 1
    failedJobsHistoryLimit: 3
    backoffLimit: 2
    backupRetention: 24h
    logRetention: 24h
    size: 3Gi

    name: bucket-restore
    backup: bucket-backup
    repo: bucket-backup-repo
      str: oldest
      str: latest
    backoffLimit: 2
    logRetention: 24h

But the issue is that it is not working although it has created the cron job in the k8s cluster, which we can find in the dashboard. Also in the Couchbase server panel under the backup menu we see this error:

The backup interface is only available on Couchbase clusters running the backup service. No Backup nodes were found on this cluster.

Where as in the helm chart for version 7 it does not support a backup service to be configured. Also backup files are not created in the volume/PVC which are created by the backup and restore segment. Even if we trigger the cronjob manually from the k8s cluster dashboard, its not generating backups. Any idea guys ? need a help badly here . Thanks

Backup files are not created in the volume/PVC which are created by the backup and restore segment. Even if we trigger the cronjob manually from the k8s cluster dashboard, its not generating backups.

It sounds like you’re experiencing issues with configuring backups for your Couchbase Server using the Couchbase Operator in a Kubernetes cluster. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem:

  • Verify Helm Chart Configuration: Double-check that the configuration provided in your Helm chart is correct and matches the requirements specified by Couchbase for enabling backups. Ensure that all necessary parameters, such as backup schedules and retention settings, are properly configured.

  • Check Kubernetes CronJob: As you mentioned, the Helm chart creates a Kubernetes CronJob to trigger backups according to the specified schedule. Verify that the CronJob is running as expected and that there are no errors or failures reported in the logs.

  • Review Couchbase Server Logs: Check the logs of your Couchbase Server instances to see if there are any errors or warnings related to the backup process. This can help identify any issues with communication between the Couchbase Operator and the Couchbase Server instances.

  • Verify Storage Configuration: Ensure that the volumes and PVCs (Persistent Volume Claims) used by your Couchbase Server instances are configured correctly and have sufficient capacity to store backup files. Verify that the backup files are being written to the expected locations within these volumes/PVCs.

  • Check Couchbase Backup Service: Verify that the Couchbase Backup Service is enabled and running on your Couchbase Server instances. The error message you mentioned (“The backup interface is only available on Couchbase clusters running the backup service”) suggests that the backup service may not be configured correctly.

  • Test Manual Backup and Restore: Try manually triggering a backup and restore operation using the Couchbase CLI or web interface to see if you encounter any errors. This can help isolate whether the issue is specific to the Couchbase Operator or if there are broader configuration issues with your Couchbase Server setup.

  • Consult Couchbase Documentation and Support: If you’re still unable to resolve the issue, consult the official Couchbase documentation for backup and restore procedures and troubleshooting tips. Additionally, consider reaching out to Couchbase support for assistance with diagnosing and resolving the problem.

By systematically investigating these potential causes and leveraging available documentation and support resources, you should be able to identify and resolve the issues preventing backups from being generated successfully in your Couchbase Server environment.