Hello every one,
I tried to understand this Tutorial but it isn’t clear.
I’m gonna sink kafka with couchbase.
I’ll appreciate if any one assists me.
Hello every one,
I tried to understand this Tutorial but it isn’t clear.
I’m gonna sink kafka with couchbase.
I’ll appreciate if any one assists me.
Any specific question? Or do you have any errors in the logs?
Thanks, many thanks for quick reply.
I need a more complete document to how to sink Kafka to Couchbase.
that document is very short.
I tired to did that, let me explain:
I tried to use Apache Kafka:
bin/connect-standalone.sh config/connect-standalone.properties config/_
and I encountred some error those I’m on them.
What are the errors? I set this up just last week and I noticed that some of the paths have changed, but I was able to set it up just fine.
With confluent-3.2.2, here’s the layout I used to conform to their path:
ingenthr-mbp:confluent-3.2.2 ingenthr$ find . -type d -name '*couchbase*' |xargs find
Sorry, may be I could not explain my issue completely(sorry for my English).
I need a good and complete document, the document that I mentioned at the top, it told you could use Apache Kafka directly, but there is not enough guidance.
on the other hand, when I checked log file, I guessed we need some Avro configuration that did not mention in that Doc.