How to create Dynamic where clause using N1QL in JAVA

select a.function_section.* from supplier_function where a.type = “FUNCTION” this is working correctly

String function = "FUNCTION"
select a.function_section.* from supplier_function where a.type = $function this is not returning any results
function variable will get populated with some values dynamically
which I want to pass into my N1QL in JAVA.

Thanks in Advance for you help

you can use PREPARED statement and query data via REST API,like

# Create PREPARE statement
curl -v --data-urlencode 'statement=PREPARE queryAllByType FROM select a.function_section.* from supplier_function a where a.type =$funtion; '
# query by PREPARE from client(JAVA)
curl -v -d 'prepared="queryAllByType"&$funtion="FUNCTION"'

Also, using Java SDK:

Example for named parameter:

Thank you Keshav it really helps me