I’m trying to make the Drupal 8 couchbase integration support SASL password protected buckets.
When I try to run an N1QL query against a SASL password protected bucket:
if ($this->password !== NULL) {
$params['creds'] = json_encode((object) ["user" => '', "pass" => '']);
return $this->bucket->_n1ql($query, $params, $json_array);
But this code seems not to work, it chockes because it thinks these parameters are for the query itself.
The error I get is:
CouchbaseException: Unrecognized parameter in request: 0 in CouchbaseBucket->_n1ql() (line 312 of [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php).
This issue points to the need of appending the password to every query:
The error I get when the bucket is SASL protected is:
CouchbaseException: Keyspace not found keyspace couch - cause: No bucket named couch in CouchbaseBucket->_n1ql() (line 312 of [CouchbaseNative]/CouchbaseBucket.class.php).
Looks like the way to go is something like this:
public function queryN1QL(\CouchbaseN1qlQuery $query, $params = NULL, $json_array = FALSE) {
try {
$query->options["creds"] = [(object) ["user" => "couch", "pass" => "couch"]];
return $this->bucket->query($query, $params, $json_array);
catch (\Exception $e) {
I say something because I was not able to make this work, I am getting the deadly:
creds has to be of type array of { user, pass }
That seems to have been reported here:
Related posts:
I know there was a known issue with passworded buckets and N1QL queries in the earlier preview versions but does this limitation still exist in the RC? If not then how do you specify the password in CBQ?
Any hint on how to do this on the PHP SDK?
May 27, 2016, 8:57pm
Yes, this is correct way to pass credentials
$cluster = new CouchbaseCluster("http://localhost:8091");
$bucket = $cluster->openBucket();
$query = CouchbaseN1qlQuery::fromString('SELECT * FROM `travel-sample` limit 10');
$query->options['creds'] = array(
array('user' => 'local:default', 'pass' => ''),
array('user' => 'local:travel-sample', 'pass' => 'secret')
$res = $bucket->query($query);
But because of the bug in N1QL engine (which still in 4.5-beta binary), it does not work. The bug has been fixed with https://github.com/couchbase/query/commit/c1d2ddbd322c088cd3d04e58751020cf7d10f7af and everything will work in GA.
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