I am using WebSocket to get changes data from SG by NodeJS, follow demo works fine:
var WebSocket = require('ws');
var cookie = require('cookie');
var ws = new WebSocket(
'headers': {
'Cookie': cookie.serialize('SyncGatewaySession', 'e81fca4cc9ff5a80676ea7a385a6a30934260188')
ws.on('open', function open() {
ws.send('{"since": 0, "include_docs": true,"limit":50}');
ws.on('message', function incoming(message) {
console.log('received: %s', message);
And the Sg logs shows as following:
2017-03-23T21:07:57.963+06:00 HTTP: #001: GET /sg/_changes?feed=websocket (as f552e90a-afd6-494f-acd7-36873d222f73)
2017-03-23T21:07:57.964+06:00 HTTP+: #001: --> 101 Upgraded to WebSocket protocol (0.0 ms)
2017-03-23T21:07:57.970+06:00 Changes+: Int sequence multi changes feed...
2017-03-23T21:07:57.970+06:00 Changes: MultiChangesFeed({*}, {Since:0 Limit:50 Conflicts:false IncludeDocs:true Wait:true Continuous:true Terminator:0xc82049c720 HeartbeatMs:0 TimeoutMs:300000 ActiveOnly:false}) ... (to f552e90a-afd6-494f-acd7-36873d222f73)
but when I deploy the code on my web application running on,
I got the following error
2017-03-23T21:54:49.110+06:00 HTTP: #003: GET /sg/_changes?feed=websocket
2017-03-23T21:54:49.110+06:00 HTTP: #003: --> 401 login required (0.4 ms)