How to get Items of array which meats 2 criteria's

I have a user doc which stores the user name and an array of object that holds the email address for that user. Normally a User can have one or more emails and normally if there is more then one its flags a dflt email .

SELECT d._id,,, e
FROM Contacts AS d
    UNNEST d.emails AS e
    WHERE d._type = 'user'
        AND e.dflt = TRUE

The above gets me the user name and the email that is marked dflt, what i am looking for is to get a query that will get me the email no matter what if there is only one in the array or if it is more then the dflt one.

Is that possible ?

SELECT d._id,, e
FROM Contacts AS d
    UNNEST d.emails AS e
    WHERE d._type = 'user'
        AND (e.dflt = TRUE OR ARRAY_COUNT(d.emails) == 1)

It doesnt like the

“msg”: “syntax error - at ==”,

|| (c sytax) vs OR

SELECT d._id,, e
FROM Contacts AS d
UNNEST d.emails AS e
WHERE d._type = 'user' AND (e.dflt = TRUE OR ARRAY_COUNT(d.emails) == 1);