Dear sir,
could you give an example for this to fetch document from View in couchbase java sdk3+.
I could not find any such example?
I could not find code for how to migrate ViewRow.document() method from java sdk1.2 to sdk3+.
if you could give me coding example than would be great.
I am getting ViewResult from asyncBucket.
MY code:
CompletableFutureresult=bucket.viewQuery(getDesignDoc(), getView(),viewOptions);
;//here i want to collect document from the View.
if you code give me code example than would be great.
An IDE (like Intellij) will help immensely with this.
CompletableFuture<ViewResult> result=bucket.viewQuery(getDesignDoc(), getView(),viewOptions);
List<ViewRow> myList=result.get().rows();
for(ViewRow row:myList){
YourClass doc = row.valueAs(YourClass.class);
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My class is Person class having 3 attributes aslike below.
Class person:
private string name;
Private int age;
private boolean gender;
So will this work?
One more question, when to use valueAs vs keyAs
One last question , how wrap the above call to io.reactorproject asynchronous processing…
Could help with one example…like we have
Rx observable.defer ()???
The documentation and examples is a good place to start.
November 28, 2023, 7:32pm
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