How to improve Index on a join with Condition

I am currently using the below query to get all my records that are active. based on rets having 5 mil records and Contacts 5 K the query takes almost 9 sec

SELECT f.Record.PropertyAddress AS farm,
           SELECT p1.Record.Dates
           FROM p AS p1
           ORDER BY p1.Record.Dates.ModificationTimestamp DESC
           LIMIT 1)[0] AS lisiting
FROM Contacts AS f LEFT NEST rets AS p ON f.Record.apn = REPLACE(p.ParcelNumber, "-", "")
    AND p._type = "Residential"
WHERE f._type = "farm"
    AND p.Record.StandardStatus = "Active"

Blow is the Plan Text

    "#operator": "Sequence",
    "~children": [
            "#operator": "Sequence",
            "~children": [
                    "#operator": "IndexScan3",
                    "as": "f",
                    "index": "adv_Record_apn_type",
                    "index_id": "96e67c7a38d60df1",
                    "index_projection": {
                        "primary_key": true
                    "keyspace": "Contacts",
                    "namespace": "default",
                    "spans": [
                            "exact": true,
                            "range": [
                                    "inclusion": 0,
                                    "low": "null"
                    "using": "gsi"
                    "#operator": "Fetch",
                    "as": "f",
                    "keyspace": "Contacts",
                    "namespace": "default"
                    "#operator": "Parallel",
                    "~child": {
                        "#operator": "Sequence",
                        "~children": [
                                "#operator": "Filter",
                                "condition": "(((`f`.`_type`) = \"farm\") and (((`f`.`Record`).`apn`) is not null))"
                                "#operator": "NestedLoopNest",
                                "alias": "p",
                                "on_clause": "((((`f`.`Record`).`apn`) = replace((`p`.`ParcelNumber`), \"-\", \"\")) and ((`p`.`_type`) = \"Residential\"))",
                                "~child": {
                                    "#operator": "Sequence",
                                    "~children": [
                                            "#operator": "IndexScan3",
                                            "as": "p",
                                            "index": "adv_Record_StandardStatus_replace_ParcelNumber_sub_type",
                                            "index_id": "c6e89537ed82fb3a",
                                            "index_projection": {
                                                "primary_key": true
                                            "keyspace": "rets",
                                            "namespace": "default",
                                            "nested_loop": true,
                                            "spans": [
                                                    "exact": true,
                                                    "range": [
                                                            "high": "\"Active\"",
                                                            "inclusion": 3,
                                                            "low": "\"Active\""
                                                            "high": "((`f`.`Record`).`apn`)",
                                                            "inclusion": 3,
                                                            "low": "((`f`.`Record`).`apn`)"
                                            "using": "gsi"
                                            "#operator": "Fetch",
                                            "as": "p",
                                            "keyspace": "rets",
                                            "namespace": "default",
                                            "nested_loop": true
                                            "#operator": "Parallel",
                                            "~child": {
                                                "#operator": "Sequence",
                                                "~children": [
                                                        "#operator": "Filter",
                                                        "condition": "((((`p`.`Record`).`StandardStatus`) = \"Active\") and ((`p`.`_type`) = \"Residential\") and ((`p`.`_type`) = \"Residential\"))"
                                "#operator": "InitialProject",
                                "result_terms": [
                                        "as": "farm",
                                        "expr": "((`f`.`Record`).`PropertyAddress`)"
                                        "as": "lisiting",
                                        "expr": "(correlated (select ((`p1`.`Record`).`Dates`) from (`p`) as `p1`  ORDER BY (((`p1`.`Record`).`Dates`).`ModificationTimestamp`) DESC limit 1)[0])"
            "#operator": "Limit",
            "expr": "5"
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON Contacts( Record.StandardStatus, Record.apn, Record.PropertyAddress ) 
WHERE _type = "farm";

That wont work, as Record.StandardStatus is in the rets bucket and Record.PropertyAddress is in the Contacts bucket

Could you please let me know CB version?

If CB 7.0 and above try this

SELECT f.Record.PropertyAddress AS farm, listings[0] AS listing
FROM Contacts AS f
LET listings = ( SELECT p.Record.Dates
                 FROM rets AS p
                 WHERE p._type = "Residential"
                       AND p.Record.StandardStatus = "Active"
                       AND REPLACE(p.ParcelNumber, "-", "") = f.Record.apn
                 ORDER BY p.Record.Dates.ModificationTimestamp DESC
                 LIMIT 1)
WHERE f._type = "farm" AND f.Record.apn IS NOT NULL

CREATE INDEX ix1 ON Contacts(Record.apn, Record.PropertyAddress ) WHERE _type = "farm";
CREATE INDEX ix2 ON rets( REPLACE(ParcelNumber, "-", ""), Record.StandardStatus,
                         Record.Dates.ModificationTimestamp DESC, Record.Dates)
WHERE _type = "Residential";

If you need listingCount (remove LIMIT 1) and do ARRAY_LENGTH(listings) AS listingCount in projection

That doesn’t work…

The first sequence says it completes successfull but the second one fails. Intresting, the query returns all Records from farm but nothing for listing
FYI, yes i am on 7.x

Below is the error

    "_sequence_num": 2,
    "_sequence_query": "\nLIMIT 5;",
    "_sequence_query_status": "Bad Request",
    "_sequence_result": [
        "code": 3000,
        "msg": "syntax error - at LIMIT",
        "query_from_user": "explain \nLIMIT 5;"

@aponnath ,

There is ; before LIMIT remove that,
If listing empty means your document and fields did not match. You can check that or post farm, Residential document

Yes that fixes the error but does not get me any listings. The point was to get all farms that have a listing where the status is active. So not sure what we are missing

Query is right please post sample documents of both