Search based on user names of UserRec, and the meta().id of UserRec must be in UserRecIDRefs array of Userlink doc. My query below is working. however I am not sure if we can improve the performance.
select raw UserRecIDRefs
from default c
where c._type = “Userlink”
and any v in c.UserRecIDRefs SATISFIES v in (SELECT raw meta(t).id FROM default t
WHERE t._type=‘UserRec’ AND (ANY pName in t.names SATISFIES LOWER( like ‘doe%’ and LOWER(pName.given) like ‘jo%’ END) AND t._inactiveTime=0 ) end)
CREATE INDEX ix1 ON default (DISTINCT UserRecIDRefs) WHERE _type = "Userlink";
7.1+ CREATE INDEX ix71 ON default (DISTINCT ARRAY FLATTEN_KEYS(n.given, FOR n IN names END) WHERE _type = "UserRec" AND _inactiveTime = 0;
Pre 7.1
CREATE INDEX ix2 ON default (DISTINCT ARRAY n.given FOR n IN names END) WHERE _type = "UserRec" AND _inactiveTime = 0;
WITH userRecs AS (SELECT RAW meta(u).id
FROM default AS u
WHERE u._type = "UserRec"
AND ANY n IN u.names SATISFIES LOWER( LIKE "doe%" AND LOWER(n.given) LIKE "joe%" END
u._inactiveTime = 0)
FROM default AS ul
WHERE ul._type = "Userlink"
AND ANY v IN ul.UserRecIDRefs SATISFIES v IN userRecs END
I also need to return user names from userRecs type document for all IDs from UserRecIDrefs.
This is my query:
WITH userIDs AS (
FROM default AS ul
WHERE ul._type = “Userlink”
AND ANY v IN ul.UserRecIDRefs SATISFIES v IN (SELECT RAW meta(u).id
FROM default AS u
WHERE u._type = “UserRec”
AND ANY n IN u.names SATISFIES LOWER( LIKE “doe%” AND LOWER(n.given) LIKE “joe%” END
u._inactiveTime = 0) END )
select p.names,meta(p).id from default p
use keys (array v for v within {userIDs} end)
WITH userRecs AS (SELECT RAW meta(u).id
FROM default AS u
WHERE u._type = "UserRec"
AND ANY n IN u.names SATISFIES LOWER( LIKE "doe%" AND LOWER(n.given) LIKE "joe%" END
u._inactiveTime = 0)
SELECT DISTINCT u1.names, META(u1).id
FROM default AS ul
JOIN default AS u1 ON KEYS ul.UserRecIDRefs
WHERE ul._type = "Userlink"
AND ANY v IN ul.UserRecIDRefs SATISFIES v IN userRecs END
I also have a class document like:
“_type”: “Class”,
“userRecDocIDRef”: “UserRec@@c750138f22bb54eab9e4835c93f34c5b”,
“classID”: “1.2.840.113711”,
“classCode”: “CS101”,
“_cTime”: 1664315032,
index: create index idx_class_userref on default (userRecDocIDRef) where _type = “Class”
I am trying to write a query to return both user and class info by join on userRecDocIDRef = META(u1).id from your above query, but I get “Cannot mix non ANSI JOIN with ANSI JOIN” error.
WITH UserDocs AS (
WITH userRecs AS (SELECT RAW meta(u).id
FROM default AS u
WHERE u._type = "UserRec"
AND ANY n IN u.names SATISFIES LOWER( LIKE "doe%" AND LOWER(n.given) LIKE "joe%" END
u._inactiveTime = 0)
FROM default AS ul
UNNEST ul.UserRecIDRefs AS ulref
WHERE ul._type = "Userlink"
ANY v IN ul.UserRecIDRefs SATISFIES v IN userRecs END)
SELECT u1.names, META(u1).id, uc.*
FROM default AS u1 USE KEYS UserDocs
JOIN default AS uc ON uc.userRecDocIDRef = META(u1).id AND uc._type = "Class";
“code”: 3000, “msg”: “Ambiguous reference to field userRecs.”
WITH userRecs AS (SELECT RAW meta(u).id
FROM default AS u
WHERE u._type = “UserRec”
AND ANY n IN u.names SATISFIES LOWER( LIKE “doe%” AND LOWER(n.given) LIKE “joe%” END
u._inactiveTime = 0)
FROM default AS ul
WHERE ul._type = “Userlink”
AND ANY v IN ul.UserRecIDRefs SATISFIES v IN userRecs END
select RAW userRecs;
How can I fix this “msg”: “Ambiguous reference to field userRecs.”?
(WITH userRecs AS (SELECT RAW meta(u).id
FROM default AS u
WHERE u._type = "UserRec"
AND ANY n IN u.names SATISFIES LOWER( LIKE "doe%" AND LOWER(n.given) LIKE "joe%" END
u._inactiveTime = 0)
FROM default AS ul
WHERE ul._type = "Userlink"
AND ANY v IN ul.UserRecIDRefs SATISFIES v IN userRecs END)
(WITH userRecs AS (SELECT RAW meta(u).id
FROM default AS u
WHERE u._type = "UserRec"
AND ANY n IN u.names SATISFIES LOWER( LIKE "doe%" AND LOWER(n.given) LIKE "joe%" END
u._inactiveTime = 0)
SELECT RAW userRecs);
Output representation is each UserRec, it list userLink
SELECT ul.UserRecIDRefs,
FROM (SELECT RAW meta(u).id
FROM default AS u
WHERE u._type = "UserRec"
AND ANY n IN u.names SATISFIES LOWER( LIKE "doe%" AND LOWER(n.given) LIKE "joe%" END
AND u._inactiveTime = 0) AS d
LEFT JOIN default AS ul ON ul._type = "Userlink" AND ANY v IN ul.UserRecIDRefs SATISFIES v = END;