How to pass a variable into Subquery with n1ql?

In my situation, entreprise(company) can have several sites(filiales), I want to get all the filiales with format array. I use version 4.5.0-2601 Community Edition.

In the json entreprise(company), there is no information of sites(filiales), In the json sites(filiales), it has entreprise(company) uid.

Json entreprise(company):

  "type": "entreprise",
  "dateUpdate": 1481716305279,
  "owner": {
    "type": "user",
    "uid": "PNnqarPqSdaxmEJ4DoMv-A"

Json sites(filiales):

  "type": "site",
  "entreprise": {
    "uid": "3c0CstzsTjqPdycL5yYzJQ",
    "type": "entreprise"
  "nom": "test"

The query I tried:

          META(entreprise).id as uid, 
          ARRAY s FOR s IN (SELECT d.* FROM default d  WHERE d.type = "site" AND  d.entreprise.uid = uid) END as sites, 
 FROM default entreprise 
 WHERE entreprise.type = "entreprise";

Result: error

    "code": 5010,
    "msg": "Error evaluating projection. - cause: FROM in correlated subquery must have USE KEYS clause: FROM default."

Then i use alias:

  META(entreprise).id as uid, 
  ARRAY s FOR s IN (SELECT d.* FROM default d  WHERE d.type = "site" AND  d.entreprise.uid = META(entreprise).id) END as sites, 
FROM default entreprise 
WHERE entreprise.type = "entreprise";

Result: sites array is empty.

You need to use an index join. See

If these are not available in 4.5.0, take a look at 4.5.1.

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Thank you! It works. :slight_smile:

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