How to prevent sql injection when using spring data couchbase with Query annotation?

How to prevent sql injection when using spring data couchbase with Query annotation?

I am having Controller, Service, Repository kind of Spring web project having enterprise couchbase server as DB, I am using spring-data-couchbase for querying data of couchbase, and I am using @Query Annotation to put custom queries.

Recently I came across a case where, i am having @Param String name as method param. in one of the request, i got name param’s value was having escaped double quotes, which has broken my couchbase query which is complex query but its simple representation is below

#{n1ql.selectEntity} WHERE #{n1ql.filter}
AND name = “#{#name}” AND …

→ I want to sanitize value having escaped double quotes in “#{#name}”, using standard owasp library, and I do not want to do custom regex things.

Ref. How to prevent sql injection when using spring data couchbase with Query annotation? - Stack Overflow

Use $name (no quotes) instead of “#{#name}”. Using #{#name} is handled by the Spring SPEL parser and is simply a string replace. $name (or $1) is a n1ql query parameter and there is no possibility for sql injection.

              #{#n1ql.selectEntity} WHERE #{#n1ql.filter}
              AND name = $name
  List<Info> getInfoByName(@Param("name") String name);

Thanks m-reiche for answer,
above is loose description of my file’s method to extract data from couchbase, can I still use @Param annotation of spring-data-couchbase, in case i am doine $name instead of “#{#name}”

It’s not necessary to define the Query string for that query as Spring Data Couchbase will generate it based on the method signature.

The document is here

There are hundreds of examples in spring-data-couchbase/src/test/java/org/springframework/data/couchbase/domain at main · spring-projects/spring-data-couchbase · GitHub

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@mreiche Thanks for ref

You can create Prepared Statements in Couchbase and pass in $varibles into the query too.

PREPARE customer_v1 AS SELECT orderId,date,status FROM bucket
WHERE customerId = $cust and date = $date ORDER BY date DESC
LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset

If you create an index like this

CREATE INDEX customerOrder_v1 ON bucket(customerId,date DESC, status,orderId);

run/execute the prepared statement like below

EXECUTE customer_v1 USING {“cust”:“123”,“date”:“today”,“limit”:10,“offset”:0}

To track the usage and general performance of the prepared statement run this query

SELECT * FROM system:prepared WHERE name = “customer_v1”

Docs on prepared statements: Prepared Statements | Couchbase Docs

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