I have Couchbase single-node-cluster A and B. Both have the same configuration. Except “A” has NO buckets, whereas “B” has 3 buckets with documents in each.
I use cbbackup to back up all buckets in “B”.
How do I properly restore this backup to “A”? From the docs on cbrestore, I must create the buckets on the destination first:
cbrestore --help
Usage: cbrestore [options] backup_dir destination
Restores a single couchbase bucket.
Please first create the destination / bucket before restoring.
Where is the metadata (configuration data such as bucketType, replicaNumber, quota, etc.) for each bucket in the backup? I see some resemblance of it in the .cbb file, but this is the raw data. Furthermore, this would be difficult to parse.
I could get the metadata via Couchbase REST => http://localhost:8091/pools/default/buckets
This leads me to my next question… given this metadata, what is the recommended approach for creating the destination buckets? CLI vs. API?
Finally, are there any plans to support destination buckets for cbrestore?
- Michael