Today my synch gateway stopped suddenly. So i tried to restart synch gateway and server. Now both are showing active (running) But if i try to hit the following link it is working.
Please send full log trace from Sync gateway (with the last message that is output).
Also include details of the version of Sync Gateway and the platform you are installing on.
You can add it as a [gist][ and link it to here. From the snippet, it appears that it stops and starts again. So something is amiss (and thats the same reason why it probably stopped suddenly). But we would need to know the messages after the “Started” line below
2018-05-11T14:13:41.323Z WARNING: Error opening bucket: default. Error: authentication error – base.GetCouchbaseBucketGoCB() at bucket_gocb.go:118
2018-05-11T14:13:41.323Z Debug: RetryLoop retrying Attempt to connect to bucket : default after 10 ms.
It looks like it doesn’t have the proper credentials to connect to the bucket. Do you have an RBAC user on Couchbase Server and is SG configured to use that RBAC users?
@jamiltz if you know of any good docs that explain this, can you link them here?
Here really required to give username and password and assign role in couchbase UI or else can i make it public?
I want to sync all the data from the server to mobile through sync gateway and vice versa, either data was added/updated from N1QL or 8091 or any REST API, as well as from the mobile. is Above configuration is enough? Do i need add anything more?