How to search data using document attributes?

I have documents as following, want to search data using title=%term% or description=%term% ORDER BY updatedOn. How can I achieve this in couchbase-lite using rest api.
“description”: “Text Message 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus commodo,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus commodo …Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus commodo …”,
“title”: “Text Message 1”,
“totalComments”: 10,
“totalLikes”: 2,
“totalShares”: 2,
“type”: “text”,
“updatedOn”: “2015-10-31 14:17:13”,

Using technologies: Ionic, Angular, Couchbase-lite

Android is planing
for ios

@atom_yang you might talking about native… am looking for hybrid using rest call?

No,I am talking about REST API (ios)

Thank you… Currently only using Keys we can search right.

@atom_yang: You mean WHERE attribute LIKE "%sdsd%" is possible?

No, I means man be you can use Full Text Search.

Please read the documentation on Views and Queries. We have extensive documentation on those topics.

As am using hybrid solution not getting much document… we have rest api related which minimal no where having information regarding full text search.

Atom Yang already posted links to the info on full text search, a month ago. See above.