How do I use N1QL to query my data using the document ID?
select * from myBucket where key?? = ‘234567’
What do I use instead of “key??” to reference the correct data element?
How do I use N1QL to query my data using the document ID?
select * from myBucket where key?? = ‘234567’
What do I use instead of “key??” to reference the correct data element?
select * from myBucket USE KEYS '234567'
Is there a Wildcard usage for KEYS keyword like:
SELECT meta(gdRules).id AS documentId, gdRules.*,
gPolicy AS goodPolicy,
dPolicy AS deadPolicy
FROM `Prices` AS gdRules
JOIN `Prices` AS gPolicy ON KEYS ["XXX_" ||gdRules.Code || "_ABC_%"]
JOIN `Prices` AS dPolicy ON KEYS ["XXX_" ||gdRules.Code || "_EDF_%" ]
...//Where clause to filter gdrules, gPolicy, dPolicy
Note: Prices is a bucket name
Sorry for the missed formatting
Hi @nbupadhya, unfortunately, you cannot do wildcards in USE KEYS. N1QL provides equi-joins. We are looking to provide more flexibility here in future.
You can use wildcards on document id’s in the FROM clause as follows:
Please see the N1QL documentation for LIKE and REGEXP.
Thanks for the reply Cihan.
Thanks for the reply , ya this wildcard usage is good to know.
Is it more efficient to do a key based wild card search and then provide another value which has a secondary index on it?
I still can’t get this to work!
select *
from bucket
where meta(b).id like ‘%anything%’
limit 1;
I am forever getting this error:
“code”: 4000,
“msg”: “No index available on keyspace bucket that matches your query. Use CREATE INDEX or CREATE PRIMARY INDEX to create an index, or check that your expected index is online.”,
“query_from_user”: “select *\nfrom bucket
b\nwhere meta(b).id like ‘%anything%’\nlimit 1;”
How can I query for all keys without any index?
If you need to filter out on document key only. You need primary index or secondary index on document key.