I’m trying to experience N1QL. I’ve read documentation, but I just can’t get started.
I’m on Mac OS with the latest Couchbase 3.
Whenever I try to connect to, I get connection refused.
How do I even connect?
I’m trying to experience N1QL. I’ve read documentation, but I just can’t get started.
I’m on Mac OS with the latest Couchbase 3.
Whenever I try to connect to, I get connection refused.
How do I even connect?
I do not have experience with N1QL. However i just found this thread which might be helpful?
Did you install N1QL as stand-alone? If not, you’re going to need to use Couchbase 4.x as the query service is integrated in it:
Thank you poochie89. I will look into it.
@nraboy Is there a way to test N1QL in Couchbase 3.x? I already have all my test data in my Couchbase 3.
I’ve also tested out Couchbase 4, but then I had the same issue. Port 8093 was not available.
Hey @moon0326,
With Couchbase 4 installed you can execute the following from the Terminal:
/Applications/Couchbase\ Server.app/Contents/Resources/couchbase-core/bin/cbq
That will connect you to the running server and allow you to run queries.
As of right now you can only use N1QL with 4.x. For instructions on upgrading a node, you might want to check this:
When you get N1QL installed you can use this tool, community build, to live test some queries and get to know the query syntax.