This is my test code. My bucket name is ‘test’ and it doesn’t have index. Then, I think that code throws the ‘IndexDoesNotExistException’. but Nothing happened. Why?
So it sounds like you don’t have an index setup on your bucket, you’re running a N1QL query against it, and you’re not getting the IndexDoesNotExistException you expect - is that correct?
Does the primary index definitely not exist, e.g. you’ve confirmed in the UI Index tab?
yeah, You’re right. I don’t get the IndexDoesNotExistException.
My ‘test’ bucket doesn’t have a primary index either.
Primary index is kind of index. right? So, I expect to get the exception. but, It’s not.
If I use dropN1qlIndex() when didn’t setup index on my ‘test’ bucket, and I get the IndexDoesNotExistException. Is it only for dropN1qlIndex()? Do I make exception handling every time?
E.g. a N1QL query “SELECT idx.* FROM system:indexes AS idx WHERE keyspace_id = BUCKET_NAME_INJECTED_HERE AND using = “gsi” ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name ASC;”