Incremental backups


I did a full backup of my bucket using cbbackup to my /cbbackup/ directory. Then I tried both a differential and cumulative backup (same directory obviously), and since the database stayed intact during the process, I was hoping to see an incremental backup with a small or 0 size output.

This is what I ran:

root@cbs1:/cbbackup# /opt/couchbase/bin/cbbackup http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8091 /cbbackup/ -u Administrator -pxxxxxxxxxxx -b xxxxxxxx -m diff
[############## ] 68.0% (4498067/estimated 6618608 msgs)
bucket: xxxxxx, msgs transferred…
: total | last | per sec
byte : 4096137802 | 4096137802 | 3430587.4

The backup not only stops at 68% but produces a full backup everytime I run it:

root@cbs1:/cbbackup/2016-10-26T082417Z# du -sh *
4.9G    2016-10-26T082417Z-full
4.9G    2016-10-26T085007Z-diff
4.9G    2016-10-26T091125Z-accu

What am I missing?

I’m looking at the documentation (, and it looks to me like you’re doing it correctly.

Are there any suspicious log messages? Have you tried a --dry-run and seeing what happens?