After we deleted the local couchbaselite folder (which contains both DBName. cblite2 folder and Logs folder), we started the replicator again. But the initial sync takes too long to pull the documents down (more than a day) even though the volume of documents are very less. Not even one document being pulled down when I checked after 1 hour of start. The deleted database had all the documents which were synced down from the sync gateway. What should we do to resync the documents after we delete the local database folder? Is it something to do with channels? Please advise
Have you observed the SG activities from the SG log? Basically to see if SG is busy processing anything or just doing nothing. You can observe the behavior at the client side by enable Replicator and Network logging.
We can see some random figures (document count) in the log. But no documents were synced down. Do we have to set any configuration in the sync gateway to re-send the documents after we delete the local database folder?
The replication is actively transferring data 0/1992
PushPull Replicator: 1992/1992, error , activity = Busy
The replication is actively transferring data 1992/1992
PushPull Replicator: 0/0, error , activity = Connecting