I am new to Couchbase Lite. Is it possible to use Couchbase lite in ionic app. If so where can i find relevant documentation
I am new to Couchbase Lite. Is it possible to use Couchbase lite in ionic app. If so where can i find relevant documentation
Hi you can find help using this app @nraboy has written it will help you find you way around using CB Lite.
Hey @badrictl,
Definitely ping me if you have questions after looking at the GitHub project. It is work in progress, but functional, so expect proper documentation and code commenting to come soon.
Thank you @czajkowski and @nraboy. Just getting started, will certainly ping you.
We also have user groups that run workshops and talks, check out if there is one near you http://www.couchbase.com/wiki/display/couchbase/Couchbase+User+Groups
Also we’re on IRC on #couchbase on freenode
Thanks for the info Laura.
Hey @badrictl,
In case you’re still struggling with this, a tutorial went up demonstrating Couchbase Lite with Ionic:
Hope it helps
Thank you, Nic. Appreciate it.
I’m trying to use Couchbase Lite with Ionic v2 and Typescript and I’m having some difficulties to make this work.
Are there any plugin for this or any instructions to make this work?
I also tried with this plugin without success either.