[iOS 9, Xcode 7] libz.dylib and libsql3.dylib missing

Hi all,

i am stuck at this point ( Expand the Link Binary With Libraries section and add the following items: ) when it comes to include libsqlite3.dylib and libz.dylib to my iOS Project (ObjC, Xcode 7.0.1)

The problem is, there is no such file. Only libsqlite3.tbd and libz.tbd

While in the File selection i can press CMD+Shift+G and enter /user/lib to find and add libz.dylib and libsqlite3.dylib but i am honestly not really sure if thats the way to go.

Thanks for your help!

Kind regards,

The file extensions changed in Xcode 7 for some reason. Add the .tbd files.

Thank you @jens
